Bad Credit Loans

Personal Loans for Bad Credit

Everyone needs a little help at some point in their lives. Through our direct lenders for personal bad credit loans, we can help you find loans for bad credit that not only meet your monthly budgeting needs, but that can also help get you back to focusing on life – even with bad credit!

Get a loan with bad credit,

so you can finally get over your financial hurdle.

as low as

for up to

savings of

*Possible savings of $1,000s if you qualify for a lower interest loan and use it to pay off higher-interest debt

FAQ’s About Bad Credit Loans

Is it possible to get a loan with bad credit?

Yes! While your credit score may keep you from getting a great APR, you may be able to find interest rates that are much lower than those you’d likely find on payday loans.

Can I get a loan without income proof?

No, without income proof you cannot get a loan with bad credit. You will need to provide bank statements and/or pay stubs as proof of your income.

Which loan company is best for poor credit?

Great question. This is exactly what Lendah is here for! Reach out to our loan specialists, and we can explore our trusted resources to help you get a loan with bad credit.

About Us

Lendah specializes in personal bad credit loans… We live, eat, and breathe lending.
We partner with leading direct lenders for bad credit personal loans and debt consolidation companies. This offers consumers the ability to leverage loans and programs to reduce personal debt, add property value or address emergency financial needs. Our Boston, MA personal loans team has helped thousands of consumers manage millions of dollars of debt with one, consistent goal: help people focus on living and stop worrying about debt. See why this group of trusted Bostonians has been an online source for bad credit loans for people just like you!

Your loan consultation is FREE…
with no obligation, so let’s talk soon.

Checking your personal loan options with Lendah doesn’t affect your credit score, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



Mon – Fri: 9am-9pm EST | Sat: 9am-5pm EST