What’s the best way to pay off your high-interest credit card debt? As you might imagine, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to get your financial ducks in a row. Debt doesn’t accumulate overnight, and getting out from under it won’t happen in a day unless you win...
If you have multiple credit cards to pay off, you likely don’t have room in your budget to save money or make impactful payments on your debt. This can lead to years of debt repayment with little to no progress toward financial freedom. While this seems like a...
It seems like every week, we break a new record for the highest average American credit card debt. Credit cards are tools that can make or break our finances and while we know the dangers of overuse, sometimes there are no other options. More Americans are using their...
We are all looking for ways to save money these days. With the expensive holidays around the corner and inflation rates continually increasing, we are finding ways to adjust our budgets to make it to the next paycheck. However, living paycheck to paycheck doesn’t help...
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes fun, family, friends, and food. However, it’s also the season of spending. As you prepare for all of the expenses that come with the holidays, it’s important to consider your credit card debt. Debt can put a damper on...
Financial stress tends to be something that people deal with in private. Whether it’s from embarrassment or a reluctance to ask for help, many only seek financial help when debt becomes impossible to manage. While the internet is filled with budgeting tips and...
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