Finding the right loan for your particular financial standing can be long, tedious, and confusing without the right help. With the sheer amount of lenders, loans, and varying interest rates out there, it’s important to seek out expert advice so that your debt consolidation loan works in your favor. Take a look at Lendah’s loan options for heavy credit card debt, bad credit, and unsecured loans to kick off 2022 on a financially positive note, and visit our website for more information on how Lendah can help. 

Debt Consolidation Loan for Heavy Credit Card Debt

If you’re heading into 2022 with a significant amount of credit card debt, a debt consolidation loan may be a fit for you. Oftentimes, it’s actually better to pay off a single, consolidated loan rather than having multiple credit cards to manage. Since personal loans typically have lower interest rates than credit cards, it’ll be easier to pay off those balances in a shorter amount of time as well. Another benefit to debt consolidation loans is that they can serve to reduce your monthly payments, resulting in further savings. Read more about paying off credit card debt with a personal loan in our recent blog post. 

Debt Consolidation Loan for Bad Credit

We understand that everyone needs some help from time to time, and that life has a way of intruding on financial stability. Even with bad credit, a debt consolidation loan is attainable with Lendah. A low credit score could restrict you from a desirable APR, but you’re still likely to find a personal loan with a much lower interest rate than the average payday loan. We host an invaluable network of lenders to help you find a debt consolidation loan that serves you well, chips away at your bad credit, and ultimately provides you with some much-needed peace of mind. It’s important to note that you can’t receive a loan with bad credit unless you provide proof of income, such as bank statements or pay stubs. 

Opt for an Unsecured Loan

Rather than searching for a home equity loan or line, consider an unsecured loan with no attachment to your home’s value. You’ll be able to borrow money for improvements or necessary repairs, invest your loan in upgraded appliances or alternative energy sources, and all without putting your home up as collateral. Just be sure not to fall behind on payments for an unsecured loan, as it can significantly affect your credit. 

Through our extensive network of trusted lenders, adding value to your home doesn’t require any equity or refinancing. For a preferred alternative to a home equity loan or line of credit, visit the Lendah website and browse our loan options


In most cases, larger monthly payments towards a personal loan translates to more money saved by avoiding high credit card interest rates. If you have any further questions about debt consolidation loans, speak to our team of knowledgeable professionals. Our compassionate loan matchmakers will find the best terms tailored to your unique situation with fast approval and rates starting as low as 3.84% for amounts up to $100,000.

Get started today on our website. Prefer to talk in person? Call us at 833-453-6324 and we’ll get you connected immediately with one of our loan experts.