Why You Should Pay Off Credit Card Debt Before Student Loans

Why You Should Pay Off Credit Card Debt Before Student Loans

When it’s time to pay off credit card debt, it can be helpful to think about mountains. Mountains come in all shapes and sizes and each one offers different obstacles and levels of difficulty. If you look at your different kinds of debt and compare them to these...
New Year, New Financial Outlook: Get Approved for a Loan

New Year, New Financial Outlook: Get Approved for a Loan

If paying off your credit card balances is on your New Year’s resolutions list, then you might consider getting approved for a loan. If you have multiple credit cards and outstanding debt, a debt consolidation loan can help. This type of personal loan makes it much...
Answering Taboo Financial Questions: Credit Card Debt

Answering Taboo Financial Questions: Credit Card Debt

The personal finance industry is chock-full of questions we’d rather not answer, as they’re often indicative of a struggling situation. We at Lendah assure you that no question is too shameful to ask when it comes to credit card debt. Do you want to know whether your...
4 Hacks for a Successful College Budget

4 Hacks for a Successful College Budget

For the 2021-2022 academic year, Statista reports that over 19.6 million Americans are enrolled in colleges and universities nationwide.  College can give you a leg up on your education, but it can also be costly. To ensure that you’re set up for success in your...