A credit score determines the creditworthiness of a person by a 3-digit number in a system accessed by lenders. The higher the score, the more trust or potential a person has with a lender – but how is this number calculated? A person’s credit score consists of...
Since credit card debt is a form of unsecured debt – which cannot be taken away if you default on payments. This means you should take your borrowing seriously to avoid accumulating high debt unnecessarily because you will eventually have to pay it off. The team at...
High debt can be draining on your mind and spirit. If credit card debt is causing you to feel as if there is no way out, we have a recommendation for you: use a personal loan for debt consolidation. In a study conducted during the first quarter of 2020, Bankrate...
Paying off debt can be a struggle when you have limited funds to make repayments and keep a roof over your head. A savings account can be the cushion you need to help you through stressful financial situations. As of March 2020, only 13% of Americans have a personal...
Many people see credit cards as a temporary solution when money is tight, but frequent use or careless spending can quickly create an overwhelming situation. Unhealthy budget planning and purchase habits can cause you to fall deeper into debt. This can feel impossible...
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