When it’s time to pay off credit card debt, it can be helpful to think about mountains. Mountains come in all shapes and sizes and each one offers different obstacles and levels of difficulty. If you look at your different kinds of debt and compare them to these...
For the 2021-2022 academic year, Statista reports that over 19.6 million Americans are enrolled in colleges and universities nationwide. College can give you a leg up on your education, but it can also be costly. To ensure that you’re set up for success in your...
As we enter a new year, you may have fallen deeper into debt in the aftermath of your holiday spending. You may want to fulfill everyone’s holiday wishes, but that decision comes at a price or, most likely, in the form of burdensome credit card debt. But don’t worry!...
The holidays are a time for joyous moments and gift-giving with loved ones, but 2020 is not like any other year. There are many reasons why people have fallen into debt or further into debt. Government shutdowns and enforced restrictions against numerous industries...
Debt repayment is more than just paying off your debt. When you use the right strategy, you can take control of your finances and ensure that you’re doing what is best for your situation. There are several strategies that come to mind when considering debt repayment...
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