If your current financial focus is to keep your credit card balance low, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t travel. Splurging on a luxury vacation when you’re struggling with debt is likely to make your financial situation even worse, but it is possible to travel without racking up more debt.
If you’ve been itching to make family vacation memories or there’s an important trip that you just can’t skip, there are a few things you can do to keep your credit card balance low while traveling.
At Lendah, we know that life is too short to spend it worrying about debt. Our expert team has helped our clients manage millions of dollars of debt so that they can focus on more important things, like traveling and making memories.
Make a Plan and Start Saving Now
Instead of using high-interest credit cards to pay for your vacation, you should start saving now. First, you’ll need to calculate how much your trip will cost. Use various travel sites to get rough estimates for the cost of travel, car rentals, lodgings, and more. For other travel expenses such as food, sightseeing, and entertainment, set a daily budget. Now with a more accurate estimate of how much your vacation will cost in total, you can make a plan to save for it.
Take a look at your monthly budget and look for expenses that can be reduced or cut out completely. Then, put that extra money aside in a savings account for your travels. Next, determine how much of your paycheck you can allocate to that savings account each pay period. If your travel fund could use more cushion, consider picking up a side hustle or even selling items you no longer use to make some extra cash. Saving enough money to pay for your vacation in full will allow you to keep your credit card balance low while you travel.
Here are a few hacks for saving money during summer break.
Make Your Vacation More Affordable
You may not be financially ready to fly first class or book a suite at a luxury hotel, but you can still plan a memorable vacation on a budget. Consider destinations closer to home within driving distance to save money on expensive airfare. Book a vacation rental instead of a pricey hotel. If you do book a hotel, choose one that offers complimentary breakfast and free parking.
When on vacation, the cost of food and drink can really add up. Save money by shopping for groceries instead of eating out for every meal. As for local sightseeing and entertainment, do some research to find the best low-cost and free activities. Last but not least, you can avoid increasing your credit card balance by sticking to your daily vacation budget.
Consolidate and Keep Your Credit Card Balance Low
If you’re already struggling with credit card debt, it can be difficult to find ways to save money for travel within your current budget. Consider consolidating your credit card debt to simplify and even lower your monthly debt payments. With a bit more wiggle room in your budget, you can take that vacation AND keep your credit card balance at zero.
Learn more about the benefits of using a personal loan to tackle credit card debt.
At Lendah, we can help you find a debt consolidation loan that fits your needs, even if you don’t have perfect credit. By consolidating your high-interest credit card debt, you can spend less time worrying about money and more time planning a vacation. Visit our website today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you reach your financial and travel goals.
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