If you’re carrying debt from month to month, it’s likely that you may be one of the 56% of Americans who do not have enough in their savings account to cover an unexpected $1000 expense. When you’re struggling with debt and an empty savings account, knowing where to...
Your credit score is one of the most important aspects of your financial health. Among other things, your credit score will determine how likely you are to be approved for various lines of credit and what kind of interest rate you’ll qualify for. If you’re struggling...
If you’re struggling under the crushing weight of debt, you’re not alone. Consumer debt is on the rise this year, with Americans owing $986 billion in credit card debt alone, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Many of those with debt...
We are all looking for ways to save money these days. With the expensive holidays around the corner and inflation rates continually increasing, we are finding ways to adjust our budgets to make it to the next paycheck. However, living paycheck to paycheck doesn’t help...
Our team at Lendah knows that debt repayment of any kind can be a long and stressful process. But what happens to your repayment plan when the terms of the loan change? In the wake of President Biden’s final decision for student loan forgiveness, the topic of interest...
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