No one anticipates being in overwhelming credit card debt for their entire adult lives, but it happens very easily. The hard part comes when we try to pay off our debt. High-interest rates and multiple monthly payments make it feel like an impossible task. However,...
We all spend a lot of time concerned about our credit score, and rightly so. If our scores are suffering, then we can find ourselves in difficult situations. It’s a number that retailers assess when you are opening up a line of credit and landlords take into...
When it’s time to pay off credit card debt, it can be helpful to think about mountains. Mountains come in all shapes and sizes and each one offers different obstacles and levels of difficulty. If you look at your different kinds of debt and compare them to these...
If you happen to be in the camp that manages to come out the other side of tax season with a tax return, you know that receiving that check can feel like Christmas 2.0. It’s often viewed as “free money”, but the fact is that this is money that you have already earned....
The holidays are full of joy, laughter, family, and of course gifts. However joyous it may be, holiday debt is a major expense that can set many people back before the new year even begins. Still, there are a few steps you can take to chip away at holiday debt, such...
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