If your current financial focus is to keep your credit card balance low, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t travel. Splurging on a luxury vacation when you’re struggling with debt is likely to make your financial situation even worse, but it is possible to travel...
What’s the best way to pay off your high-interest credit card debt? As you might imagine, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to get your financial ducks in a row. Debt doesn’t accumulate overnight, and getting out from under it won’t happen in a day unless you win...
It seems like every week, we break a new record for the highest average American credit card debt. Credit cards are tools that can make or break our finances and while we know the dangers of overuse, sometimes there are no other options. More Americans are using their...
You may be asking yourself how you got to the point of searching for personal loans for poor credit. The truth is that it’s not a single action that brings down your credit score; it’s a series of choices and common mistakes over an extended period, and it usually...
It’s time to start thinking about filing your taxes again. While we are still a few months from the deadline, it’s a good idea to get a jump start on the filing process. Getting a head start can give you time to deal with any surprises, and an opportunity to assess...
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