Your credit score is one of the most important aspects of your financial health. Among other things, your credit score will determine how likely you are to be approved for various lines of credit and what kind of interest rate you’ll qualify for. If you’re struggling...
If you’re struggling under the crushing weight of debt, you’re not alone. Consumer debt is on the rise this year, with Americans owing $986 billion in credit card debt alone, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Many of those with debt...
You may be asking yourself how you got to the point of searching for personal loans for poor credit. The truth is that it’s not a single action that brings down your credit score; it’s a series of choices and common mistakes over an extended period, and it usually...
A new year brings hope and excitement for all of the possibilities that lie in front of us. We are at that time of year when we start to plan and set goals for ourselves for the next 12 months. Some aim to lose weight or finish that project they’ve been working on for...
When we look towards our future, we dream about growing families, retirement, travel, and happiness. We don’t dream of debt and poor financial health. If your credit score is suffering due to massive amounts of credit card debt, poor payment history, or poor credit...
It’s estimated that 16% of Americans have bad credit. That’s about 48 million people living with the financial limitations set by low credit scores. Bad credit can feel like a prison when you have trouble finding rental options, encounter higher insurance costs, or...
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